Substation Automation

PowerLink Connect

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PowerLink™ Connect enables real-time collection and display of electrical infrastructure information, secure operator supervisory control, and efficient management of energy delivery, all using standards-based communications.

PowerLink Connect connects and communicates with energy management and other I/O devices in your facility, bringing together display, control and reporting functions under one easy-to-use interface, providing a dynamic window into your electrical network.

PowerLink Connect is an open, standards-based solution that’s intuitive to configure and easy to own. It’s scalable from smaller point count systems (5,000-10,000) to larger, complex electrical networks with utility control rooms (100,000+ points). With intuitive operations and simplified maintenance, PowerLink Connect enables you to ensure optimal operational and electrical performance.

Key Benefits
  • Reliable, secure and auditable operations

  • Enhanced operational decision making & safety

  • Increased productivity & accountability

  • Improved operations efficiency

  • Extended equipment life

  • Lower total cost of ownership

Key Benefits (cont.)
  • Reduced configuration & training time

  • Reduced downtime & equipment maintenance

  • Supports dynamic configuration without system restart

  • Consistent control interfaces for different types of equipment